Build the Damn Thing : How to Start a Successful Business if You're Not a Rich White Guy
An indispensable guide to building a startup and breaking down the barriers for diverse entrepreneurs from the visionary venture capitalist and pioneering entrepreneur Kathryn Finney.

Don’t wait for the system to let you in—break down the door and build your damn thing.
For all the Builders striving to build their businesses in a world that has overlooked and underestimated them: this is the essential guide to knowing, breaking, remaking and building your own rules of entrepreneurship in a startup and investing world designed for and by the “Entitleds.”
Build the Damn Thing is a hard-won, battle-tested guide for every entrepreneur who the establishment has left out.
Finney, an investor and startup champion, explains how to build a business from the ground up, from developing a business plan to finding investors, growing a team, and refining a product.